Journey to IFO: Mask Confidence Skill
Jul 10, 2024
2 min read
Well, that was exhausting. But, with lots of support and encouragement, I survived and made it through.
What is Mask Confidence Training?
The mask confidence course is a maze of obstacles. Firefighters must make their way through the maze blindfolded and "on air." (Using the SCBA). This allows the firefighter to feel confident in their ability to work through some pretty tight and tough self-rescue situations.
We've practiced this course a few times on air, but not blindfolded and there are two particular skills that make me nervous. Breaching the wall ... self-rescue between studs and crawling under the floor joists in a zig zag pattern. Both of these are usually at the tail end of the course. By the time we get there, we are utterly drained. So, needless to say, I spent the day OBESSING about these two sections. At 7PM, I donned my gear on a day that was hotter and more humid than TOAC. Then, the curve ball. Work the course BACKWARDS. Which in a way, was actually a good thing for the zig zag section. I wasn't so completely shot by the time I got there. Taking lots of advice from my firefighter sisters, control breathing, close your eyes, take your time, feel for the edges in the zig zag and do not look for boots, Audra has that covered! (inside joke), I flew through the zig zags under the joists. Was a little thrown off upon the zig zag exit, having memorized the course in the opposite direction but figured it out. Reduced my profile and pulled through a pretty tight spot. Then of all places to get hung up on, the wires. This is usually my cake walk. A breeze to brag about.....But again, because we did this backwards, I was thrown off a bit got hung up, had to back myself out and start over. Surprisingly, (wink wink) I called a mayday after being buried with lord knows what..... then kept going and kept going. Went into vibrate with two sections to go, felt like my mask was a little loose and was losing air so that didn't help. But my breathing is much more controlled. What slowed me down? Finding my strap clips to reduce my profile. Will work on that before survival weekend!
Only one picture to share today, compliments of Instructor Lewis who chucked with me a bit when my SCBA went into alarm while I was taking a breather in the coffin. Instead of shaking the pack first, I shook my tush. LOL. Hey, we all shake!

Ok gotta run, off to refill my tank for vehicle fires tonight. Can't wait to see my brothers and sisters who signed up to provide the apparatus and assist!
Its been a rough couple of weeks for me personally, and some people just don't understand and have said that I am crazy for doing this. But this is my escape, this keeps me sane. Its a new passion, its the thing that keeps me going, my brothers, my sisters, and my amazing instructors that have become family.
Now onto the fun stuff. LIVE FIRE! Five days to go! #onward. #wegotthis. #summerifocohort. #firefighterfamily. #CFFD
Failure is not an option.