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Special Announcement: New Series Launch

Dec 30, 2024

1 min read



Coming soon to a theatre near you ... wait what am I talking about?

It's not 1980 anymore! Let's start over, coming soon to a social media platform near you, we are pleased and very excited to announce a Fitzpatrick cousin collaboration:

The Traveling Redhead and The Tagalong Blonde

Come join the Fitzy cousins as we explore centuries of Irish folklore, traditions and historical sites set off the beaten path.  Pull up a chair and grab a pint while we sing some rebel songs and share stories about days gone by. Together we will celebrate our Irish Heritage and the countless contributions made by Irish Americans and the Irish back home. 

We are a tapestry of colors sewn together by our ancestors.

A strong fabric carefully threaded and intertwined preserving our faith, our long-standing traditions, and our Irish Heritage.

Centuries of folklore and customs passed down through

countless generations, that are practiced to this very today.

We are the children of Ireland. We are the keepers of her

secrets, the myths, the legends, and the magical spirituality that it beholds.

The journey has just begun!

Be sure to sign up for our newsletter. We have lots of giveaways coming this year!

Dec 30, 2024

1 min read



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