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Tanker Operations -Drill Night

Aug 7

1 min read



Tankers are versatile. For example, they are used in fire suppression operations and to block vehicles at an incident. But essentially its primary function is to transport water to fires in areas without having direct access to a water source, like a hydrant. Tankers line up to either drop water into portable tanks (also heard it referred to as a pond) or supply water to engines and other apparatus on site.

Overview-Shuttle Operations-Drill Night

Pumpers stationed at the water source supplied two tankers (CFFD and Somers). Both tankers shuttled water to the two portable tanks set up behind 148 and 67. Portable tanks were placed at the bottom of an "imaginary driveway-structure fire," in front of the tanks aka the "imaginary driveway," were 148 and 67. Apparatus was used for pumping water from the portable tanks and fire suppression using the deck guns.

2072, 2073, Firefighter Dreyer, Nezaj, Sandor and Leicht worked with me on a few skills:

  • Controlling the hydraulics on 67's stabilizers.

  • Connecting the 5" to the intake on 67 and 148.

  • Reviewed ideal locations to establish portable tanks for drainage.

  • Troubleshoot 67 nozzle control with the chauffeur.

Again, always maintain situational awareness even at a drill.

Bail out training was postponed due to the crazy weather and rescheduled to next week. I am so excited! Let's do this.

Special thanks for Captain Astaria and Firefighter Hirshberg for helping me get situated with my PSS system. (Personal Safety System used for bailout).


Aug 7

1 min read



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