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We're Back! Countdown to Training!

Sep 1, 2024

1 min read



After a much-needed respite post FF1, and a few unexpected 'take the wind out of your sails' life changes, I'm back in the training saddle with a little surprise! The girls are reuniting in class for the first time in well over a year! Yup, the universe created some firefighter monsters. LOL!

Fire Ground Strategies and First Arriving Companies is designed for the first arriving officer at any incident. The primary focus of this course is structural firefighting, but the lessons learned are applicable for any emergency scene. Elements of this course include scene size-up, decision making, determining incident strategies, and making tactical assignments. Also included are lessons on building construction, fire behavior and growth as well lessons for operating at common non-fire incidents such as motor vehicle accidents, propane and natural gas emergencies, and other typical non-fire emergencies. In addition to lecture and classroom activities this course utilizes scenarios to allow participants to employ their newly learned skills in real time. (Credit to LMS)

So, without further ado, get ready for some interesting posts and let the countdown begin!

Let's do this! CA's! #CFFD #bloggingpart2

Sep 1, 2024

1 min read



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