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I Will Still Love You

I will still love you.
Rich or poor, happy or sad.
I will still love you.
Through insecurities and self-doubt. 
I will still love you.
Young or old, weak or strong.
I will still love you.
When the world is unkind and overwhelming.  I will share the burden and still love you.
Still haunted by the past. We will embrace the scars and mend broken hearts together. 
And I will still love you.

When pride gets in the way, I will still love you.
Through trials and misguided anger, there will be forgiveness, and I will still love you. 
Win or lose, when all the cards are on the table, I will still love you.
When your memory fades, I will remind you that I still love you.
When you become quiet, you can listen with your heart, and I will still love you. 
When age becomes a foe and makes you weary, I will carry you and still love you.
When your hands don’t hold mine the same way, I will be your guide and still love you.
Whatever comes our way I will be your person, and you will be mine.  And I will still always love you.    

She's Kind

Because she’s healing parts of her that are broken.
She’s Kind.
Because she’s been hurt and traumatized.
She’s Kind.
Because she knows despair and loneliness.
She’s Kind.
Because she knows what it feels like to have absentee parents. The self-doubt, the questions, the insecurities make the daily struggle is real.
She’s Kind.
Because she knows what it feels like to be teased and bullied.
She’s Kind.
Because she knows someone needs it.
She’s Kind.
Because she knows what they did to you and what you’ve endured.
She’s Kind.
Because she knows that you’ve been disappointed and hurt.
She’s Kind.
Because she knows underneath that tough exterior, there is someone with a broken heart.
She’s Kind.
Because she knows what it feels like to never be someone’s priority.
She’s Kind.
Because she loves you. The good. The bad. The broken pieces, the insecurities, the curves, the edges.
She’s Kind.
Because she is a good woman. She may get frustrated because she loves hard. She is full of passion and emotion. If you are lucky enough to have a good woman walk into your life and ask for nothing in return, keep her, never let her go. She will love you like you’ve never been loved before.


Archived Poems-Click Below


Slow down baby girl. 
Relax and reset.
It happened. 
Stop overthinking.
Embrace the scars, it’s who you are.
Open your eyes baby girl.
Beauty surrounds you.
Touch it.  Hear it. Taste it.  Live it.

Run through the waves crashing onto the shores and walk about the whispering pines covered with snow.  Lose yourself in the forest, in all its glory. Feel the leaves rustle underneath your feet. Bathe in the essence of its peace.
Then inhale.
Recover in the countryside. Beside the tall reeds and rolling fields of green.  Listen to the water scurry through a winding mountain side brook.  
Then inhale.
Surround yourself with the scent of apple and cinnamon potpourri.  Snuggle with a good book or someone you love. Enjoy the warmth of a blazing fire, the sounds of crackling wood in a cast iron stove.  Let snowflakes fall on your nose and eye lashes. 
Then inhale.
Slow down baby girl.
There's no need to worry.
It will be there.
He will be there.
Family and friends will be there.
It will all fall into place.
At precisely the right time.
So, pause and reset. 
Everything is going to be fine.

Then exhale.

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